Wealth Inequality Simulation

A few years ago, Peter Norvig published a simple economic simulation that models the pace of wealth inequality. The basic premise is this: there is a population of actors, each with a preset wealth level. The economy is driven by transactions in which two actors will randomly exchange a random amount of their wealth. This post extends the model to include an additional entity type: companies as intermediaries that collect and distribute revenue to their employees.

BookFuel LaunchPad


BookFuel.com is the ultimate self-publishing guidance platform, helping ambitious and entrepreneurial writers edit, publish, and market their books to any imaginable medium and audience. LaunchPad is the back-end platform reboot that simplifies this process for users, and gives writers the necessary tools to plan and track their progress along the way. The design and features were strongly directed by consumer data and user feedback, ensuring that writers' needs were thoroughly represented.



ChangeMyOil.com is a brand-new, one-stop destination to find local car maintenance deals. We needed to expedite a MVP, proof of concept site to market test the viability of the business, and we delivered a completely customized solution that allows versatility both for administrators, and for clients to edit, publish, and manage their own coupons.

Brookfield Residential, Colorado


Brookfield Residential is a community development conglomerate that needed to replace their Drupal 6 site with a modern, responsive, and user-friendly new version. Using Google Maps API to allow browsing various communities, MLS RETS integration for available listings, and highly-customized architecture using Entity API in Drupal 7, we built a blazing fast, scalable site that was easy for their content admins to update and maintain, and wholly representative of their brand and marketing goals.